Freshman Kevarius Smith is this week’s Stewart Williams Furniture Company, Robertson County POW

Stewart Williams Company has everything to make your house a home. Visit the showroom located on 801 Memorial Blvd. in Springfield , Tennessee. Stewart Williams Furniture Company believes in the home and furnishing it with both quality furniture and appliances which all of which makes one’s house a home. Both KPGFootball and the Stewart Williams Furniture Company wants to make the dreams and aspirations of the young athletes in and around Robertson County come true. After all, Robertson County has supported Stewart Williams all these years. That is why, when the opportunity presented to partner with KPGFootball to promote area, young football players in the hopes their athletic achievements would net, for their families and them, a college education and a better life, Stewart Williams said, count on us. Stewart Williams Furniture Company boasts the best prices on the most recognized and established brands of both furniture and appliancesdelivered right to you. Call them today at 615.384.7584, stop by the show room, or hit the underlined link, and shop the selection right on line. Stewart Williams has everything to make your house a home. Speaking of someone making a home…

Photo Mike Clark, Tennessean

Speaking of making himself a home, we pride ourselves, at KPGFootball, at both finding and publicizing talent, particularly before everyone else knows of the player’s prowess. Sometimes a little thing like a 2 carry night, for twelve rushing yards, and one rushing TD, especially against one of your team’s most hated rivals, can mean much more than 2 carries, 12 yards, or six points. We hope you will remember from where you first heard this, but Kevarius Smith, who is presently 5-7 and weights 139 pounds, figures to grow, thicken, and be one of Springfield High School’s rising stars as early as the 2019 football season. It is hard for any freshman to find his way on the field on Friday night. When you play for a perennial, Class 4A, Tennessee powerhouse, like the Springfield Yellow-Jackets, it can be even harder.

Springfield played for the State Title in 2017 and followed that up with going 11-3 in 2018, losing in the Semis. Kevaruis Smith, a RB/OLB who we hear tore it up in both freshman and JV play this past season, got on the field against Greenbrier and didn’t disappoint. Smith scored the first rushing TD of  his young career against the Bobcats and gained 12 rushing yards over the two carries. At KPGFootball, we wager those 12 yards and that one rushing TD is a long way from either his last rushing yardage, as a Yellow Jacket, or his last TD scored. Tune in Smith in the Fall of 2019 and let’s see how prophetic this week’s article turns out to be. Maybe the surest bet we’ve ever made. Anyway…

Congratulations to freshman, Kevarius Smith, for being selected this week’s Stewart Williams Furniture Company’s Robertson County Player or Team of the Week. Join us next week as we anoint a new recipient.

Reporting for KPGFootball, this is Fletcher Long reminding all of you ballers out there to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE.

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About Fletcher Long 1674 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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