JP Perryman from Fort Campbell, KY is the @minguabeefjerky Protein-packed Performer of the Week!

Makers of the world's finest all-beef jerky products. #Savortheflavor

’26 two way player and dual threat QB led team to an improbable victory over North Hopkins

JaCaryous (JP) Perryman had an incredible night and his team and he pulled off an incredible upset over a team which came into the game more than 50-point favorites to beat them. Madisonville-North Hopkins was a ranked 5A team and included among the Commonwealth’s top 25 teams by everyone. Fort Campbell had come off back to back Friday night losses to Hopkins County Central and Trigg County, the former a 59-6 loser to North Hopkins on September 6, 2024. We can’t put into the words the gargantuan nature of this win by the Falcons nor the role Perryman played in making it happen for his team.

HB Lyon, Scouting Director, KPGFootball

JaCaryous (JP) Perryman

Oak Grove (Ft. Campbell), KY: Migua Beef Jerky uses Enviro-Pac CHU-2000 equipment to cook its meat to USDA required levels for both moist or dry operation. Mingua Beef Jerky wants you to become one of its many satisfied customers by sampling its quality hand sliced, all natural beef jerky. We know you’ll love it and come back for more, again and again.     

Ronnie Mingua began experimenting with making beef jerky back in the 1990s. He shared his efforts with neighbors and friends, soon realizing he had come up with something different and superior to all other beef jerkies on the market. From these humble beginnings, Mingua Beef Jerky got its start.  

Today, the Mingua Beef Jerky Company still prides itself on using its old-fashioned, all-natural recipes which offer outstanding products to customers across the nation. The recipes are a family tradition, passed down from generation to generation.     

Our recipes and our quality ingredients, hand-cut from solid pieces of beef, are never chopped or formed like other brands, making our products superior and one of a kind. That would make our products similar to this week’s Protein-packed Performer, JaCaryous (JP) Perryman, ’26 QB/ATH from Fort Campbell High School in Oak Grove, Kentucky. 

…[S]omething different and superior to all other beef jerkies…

“KPGFootball” on the quality of Mingua Beef Jerky products

We called it on our show the biggest upset we have covered since going into this business. Here is a link to the show, listen at your leisure.

JP Perryman

JaCaryous (JP) Perryman had a lot to do with the game going the way it did. Perryman threw for over 200-yards and two (2) TDs passing; ran for 144-yards and three (3) TDs; scored 20 of the team’s 41-points; registered four (4) tackles, a FF, and a FR, and scored the two-pointer which sealed the victory with 43-seconds remaining.

JP contributed in all three phases of the football game. To understand fully the nature of this upset one has to know a few things.

Madisonville-North Hopkins was undefeated entering the contest and really had it rolling. The Maroons had boat raced a highly regarded 3A power (Union County, 34-6), embarrassed Caldwell County in Princeton, KY (52-14), and trounced Hopkins County Central (59-6) at home in a tense cross-town rivalry game.

North Hopkins was ranked among Kentucky’s top-10, 5A teams and listed among Kentucky’s top 25 programs, Commonwealth-wide, regardless of classification. The chances Fort Campbell beats the Maroons, entering the night? Slim to none, and Slim had hopped a train headed to parts unknown.

JP threw for over 200-yards and two (2) TDs; ran for 144-yards and three (3) TDs; scored 20- points; registered four (4) tackles, a FF, a FR, and housed a two pointer which won the game

KHSAA Statistical Website

The Falcons were 0-3; losing to a lightly regarded Northwest High (Clarksville, TN), a struggling Trigg County team, and a Hopkins County Central team which had been run out of North’s stadium, 59-6. The tea leaves failed to foretell a likelihood of success.

Scott Fitzgerald and I, on our show Friday Night Kentucky, discussed the concept of Cinderella, the fictional character who comes to the Ball, uninvited, and walks off with the Prince, the trappings of royalty, and happiness forevermore.

As discussed, not all Cinderellas end up with the Prince. Most Cinderellas get to the Ball and end up going home with the busboy from the catering company. Still, a pretty good time; but, not the trappings of royalty and the happiness forevermore scenario.

Fort Campbell didn’t just get to the hurdle. The Falcons, and most improbably, crossed over the hurdle. This was a program changing win. This was a statement win. This was a career defining win for Falcon coach, Henry Mitchell.

We don’t know the number of programs recruiting JP Perryman. Actually, we aren’t too sure where he would be getting recruited to play positionally. We are sure programs not recruiting Perryman are making a grievous error.

There are plenty of slots where Perryman would be quite handy on a college roster

Friday Night Fletch

Perryman could play QB at the college level, though his accuracy doesn’t seem quite up to snuff. Perryman could play RB, as he has done well in that department when called upon to gain tough ground yardage. Perryman could have a future on defense as he has good length, excellent ball skills, and seems to evince a penchant for making big plays for the defense, when he is so deployed.

Friday Night Fletch

One thing is for sure, this kid has a next level future awaiting him if he choses. Imagine what he could have done, in the second half this past Friday night, had he not injured his leg? He was lethal enough on one leg; we shudder to think what he would have done on two.

Join us next week as we return to honor another weekly prize winner. Until then, pop some Mingua Beef Jerky in your mouth and savor the quality and flavor which sets it apart from the competition. Remember, our product is superior and one of a kind; just like Fort Campbell’s, JaCaryous (JP) Perryman 

This is Friday Night Fletch reporting for Kentucky Prep Gridiron and reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE. Don’t forget to SAVOR THE FLAVOR!

About Fletcher Long 1675 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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