A little pep-talk for tonight: the hay is in the barn, boys; time to get paid @KyHighFootball @minguabeefjerky

At the register

’24 KHSAA football season begins in earnest

There was a time when our Friday Night Fletch didn’t just write about football. He has coached a few places. In this segment, Coach Fletch will dissect an oft used sentiment a coach with whom he formerly worked espoused before the team took the field. Over 200 Kentucky, high school teams will take that field tonight for their openers. We will be there. We’re available for pep-talks should anyone need us.

HB Lyon, Scouting Director, “KPGFootball”

I make you the following promise. No other sporting industry can wear out a sentiment any more fully than high school football and the men who coach it. On that you may rely.

Close to ten years ago, I was coaching with a guy who had been quite a player in his own right. This colleague of mine had been his high school’s marquee player and had gone on to play at an area small college.

This guy was in fantastic shape and doubled as scout team QB many afternoons. He provided quality reps to our players as he was faster and more athletic than what they were likely to see on the field.

Oh, the glory of youth; the benefits of not being past one’s prime shone brightly like staring straight into a glorious, noon-time, sun.

This guy had a saying we now iterate to those of you reading this article. He used to say, “I am going to tell you what my college coach used to tell us before a game. The hay is in the barn, boys; time to go get paid!”

The saying is obvious to me and a blogger named, Kyle Sonnier. It means the work is done.

We’re conditioned. We’ve practiced. We have a game plan. We’ve studied our opponent’s tendencies. We’re ready.

There is nothing left but to execute. It is Friday Night; time to get paid.

As you boys take the field tonight remember. Remember all the sacrifices you have made to get here. Remember the blood, sweat, and tears expended to get ready, to be prepared. Remember for whom you are fighting, your brothers, your team, your school, your coaches, your families, your friends!

The hays in the barn, boys; now let’s go get paid!

This is Friday Night Fletch, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!

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About Fletcher Long 1657 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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