Our guess…the preseason 2A Top-five (5), how we see it…@minguabeefjerky @kyhighs @HopkinsCentral @evans02_mike @_CoachManning @PrepSpin @1776Bank @KyHighFootball

August 8, 2023 Fletcher Long 0

We broke down 1A yesterday and promised to dissect 2A today. As promised, this is how we see it. This is the one classification where the team listed as No. 5 on our list could still win it all. These five (5) teams, for the reasons we state, are the best five in the classification. Enjoy the read. FL.

Xavier Biggers, Mayfield High, is the @1776Bank, Revolutionary Player of the Week (again), but this time as a rostered Mayfield Cardinal- @xavierbiggers1 @OLCoach_Smith64 @terrencebigger4 @HopkinsCentral @_CoachManning @evans02_mike @minguabeefjerky @kyhighs @HLpreps @MaxPreps @PrepSpin

July 21, 2023 Fletcher Long 0

Xavier Biggers was among the top players in western-Kentucky a year ago at Murray High. This year he has moved over to Mayfield, the top program in the western end and (maybe) in the entire commonwealth. Enjoy this look at our Revolutionary Player of the Week and learn what makes our people, products, and financial services revolutionary in the Kentucky banking industry! FL.

Xavier Biggers from Murray High is the @1176Bank Revolutionary Player of the week… @xavierbiggers1 @MurrayTigerFB @OLCoach_Smith64 @murrhidawg @terrencebigger4 @HopkinsCentral @_CoachManning @evans02_mike @minguabeefjerky @kyhighs @HLpreps @MaxPreps @PrepSpin

April 7, 2023 Fletcher Long 0

Xavier Biggers is an example of a player who adds value to all three phases of a football game. This guy is a football version of a one-man band at times. We believe he will have an incredible year for the Murray Tigers in ’23 as they will attempt to bounce back from what was a horrible year by Coach Darren Bowling’s standards. Enjoy this feature from Kentucky’s fastest growing financial institution; setting the standard for excellence in the financial services, Kentucky market. FL.

In the Running…Lots of performances around Kentucky-candidates for @minguabeefjerky ‘Protein-packed Performer’ award. @1776Bank @KyHighFootball @MaxPreps @PrepSpin

October 11, 2021 Henry Lyon 0

We had another big week and so did these guys we have featured in this weekly series. This week we feature 27-current stars, one coach, and two teams among the performances “singled out.” We believe one of these guys is very likely to win the Mingua Beef Jerky Award this Wednesday. We know this…there isn’t a bad choice in this entire article. Enjoy this look at some of the very fine performances we saw this past Friday night. HB.