Danville School gains commitment from one of Kentucky’s finest at any level
There really is nothing one can say about Harris Phelps other than if I were fielding a football team and could pick any player from across Kentucky to fill the roster, Harris Phelps is high toward the top of my wish list. Apparently, I wasn’t alone in my high regard for this player.
Fletcher Long, KPGFootball Scouting Division
In 2020, Paintsville High won the Class A football Kentucky Championship. That team had a sophomore RB who gained 221-yards on the afternoon, in 22-rushes, with a TD.
His team won 38-7 over KCD. His name was Harris Phelps.
His name is still Harris Phelps by the way. He hasn’t stopped impressing us.

Since then, we would see Phelps rush for over 1,500 yards and score 19-rushing TD’s as a junior and rush for nearly that same 1,500 yards and 20 or so TD’s as a senior. Now, we have seen him do something else impressive. Now, he has committed to the Centre Colonels, members of the Southern Athletic Association.
In gaining a commitment from Phelps, the Colonels are getting perhaps the best “pure football player” playing the Kentucky High School game today. Phelps is 5’11,” weighs 180-pounds, runs the 40-yard dash in a legit 4.5-seconds. Phelps also has a registered ACT score of 27.
Phelps…perhaps the best “pure football player” playing the Kentucky High School game
HB Lyon, KPGFootball Senior Sports Writer
Phelps, over his senior year, and he is not done as he has a date at Pikeville in the Regional Championship this coming Friday night, has rushed for 1,471-yards on 207-carries with 18-rushing TD’s. That would be reason enough to offer him were we making the call; but he has done much more than that!
Phelps has a three-phase, skill-set. Out of the backfield, this adept pass receiver has caught 23-balls for 304-yards receiving and five (5)-receiving TD’s. He has scored a two-pointer for the offense this year and will even return a punt or kick from time to time.
Phelps has put 140-points on the Tiger scoreboard this season to lead his team. He’s also registered 40-tackles from his corner post, he has recovered a fumble, and leads the backend of the defense with 3-INT’s.
Phelps has scored 140-points up on the Tiger scoreboard this season to lead his team
HB Lyon
In committing to the Colonels, Phelps gets to play for a program which has fielded a football team in Kentucky for over a century and has both a storied and championship caliber pedigree at its level of play. Centre has mined the “Phelps” family for talent before this commitment. His brother, John Walker, is a junior on the present Colonel roster with a huge and versatile skill-set.

key to recruiting
Phelps also gets an offense which has before successfully utilized his type talent. Centre had a utility player named Jay Becherer from E-town which the Colonels invented ways to get the ball into his hands. Becherer always came through with plays and scores.
We would imagine Phelps may fulfill a similar role for Centre as did Jay Becherer before him. Same type football players. Same type athletes.
[KPGFootball] would imagine Phelps may fulfill a similar role for Centre as did Jay Becherer…
HB Lyon
This is huge news reverberating throughout the Bluegrass football community. Just a fine example of how football, if you are faithful to the game, can open doors for young talent and put young men in places where they need to be to flourish and excel.
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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