’25 NG believes his best run is still ahead
William Moore has a lot about his game we like. He plays with leverage, is explosive, has good leg-kick, and sheds and scrapes well working through or up and down the line of scrimmage. We have seen lots of fine high school, and even college players, with his dimensions thrive along defensive lines. He is just another example of the type of talent at Fern Creek which seems destined to restore the Tiger to its previous days of football glory.
Fletcher Long, Chief of the Scouting Division, KPGFootball
We have seen plenty of players built exactly like William Moore, ’25 NG from Fern Creek High, who have gone on to have tremendous careers in both high school and college. This leverage monster refers to himself as the “5-6-Reaper.”
The number refers to his number on the field. The “Reaper” refers to the Grim Reaper which has been the personification of death since Europe’s Black Plague (1400-1600’s A.D.).
Now future opponents would do well to remember the last words of Robert Alton Harris, a murderer who was executed at California’s San Quentin State Prison. It is said that prior to his execution, the infamous criminal told the warden, “You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper.”
You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper
Robert Alton Harris, San Quentin State Prison
Harris dance with the Reaper was far worse than opposing ball carrier’s dancing with our 56-Reaper but you get the drift. With the former, you were subject to demise, old No. 56 just kills your chances for positive inside running yards.

Moore got limited run this past year and had a hand full of tackles. However, if you run back some of his highlights linked below his picture from off his Hudl account you will see the talent is undeniable and so are the skills.
We believe Moore comes on considerably this coming season. King or street sweeper, doesn’t matter, because no one running the ball can avoid dancing with the 5ive-6ix-Reaper!
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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