’26 two-way lineman is a member of the band and quite accomplished at that
Garrett Morgan is a 6’1,” 225-pounder who toiled away on the JV in ’23 and made the KMEA All-District Band. Now that is versatility. Morgan figures to play a more prominent role in ’24 as he played on both lines of scrimmage in JV a year ago.
HB Lyon, Scouting Director, KPGFootball

Morton’s Gap, KY: We have before featured Garrett Morgan and not too terribly long ago. Since that time we have learned even more about this guy which even more recommends him to this publication as a guy we would like to prominently feature.

Morgan made the KMEA (Kentucky Music Educators Association) All-District Band. This is quite an accomplishment and something of which to be proud.
We hope Morgan will continue on with his music and playing in the Storm’s marching band. There will be plenty of fans who will (unwittingly, because there have been lots of star football players, through the years, who have doubled in the band) try to push Morgan one way or the other.
We have also found out our Garrett Morgan bears the same name for one of the more famous and accomplished all-time Kentuckians. Garrett Augustus Morgan, the son of formerly enslaved people, was born in Paris, Kentucky in 1877.
Our Garrett Morgan is just one of two famous Kentuckians bearing that proud name
Kentucky Center for African American Heritage
Augustus, as we will refer to him to distinguish him from our Morgan, was an inventor who developed the gas mask and the traffic light. With only an elementary education, Morgan, as a teen, left Kentucky to settle in Cincinnati, Ohio.

When Morgan was 37, he invented the gas mask which was patented in 1914 and used by the Army in the first World War. He started a newspaper, The Cleveland Call, and became a successful and widely respected businessman and citizen.
The message here is Augustus Morgan was able to flourish because he kept after his interests and doggedly pursued success. This is much like our Garrett Morgan in Hopkins County.
Morgan works hard every day to better himself and hone his talents. This type effort will pay huge dividends when his team hits the field in the Fall of ’24.
We appreciate your indulging us and permitting our revisiting this prospect we featured just a little over a month ago. Some guys are just worth multiple features.
This is Friday Night Fletch, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!
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