Ronnie Mingua began experimenting with making beef jerky back in the 1990s. He shared his efforts with neighbors and friends, soon realizing he had come up with something different and superior to all other beef jerkies on the market. From these humble beginnings, Mingua Beef Jerky got its start.
Today, the Mingua Beef Jerky Company still prides itself on using its old-fashioned, all-natural recipes which offer outstanding products to customers across the nation. The recipes are a family tradition, passed down from generation to generation.
Migua Beef Jerky uses Enviro-Pac CHU-2000 equipment to cook its meat to USDA required levels for both moist or dry operation. Mingua Beef Jerky wants you to become one of its many satisfied customers by sampling its quality hand sliced, all natural beef jerky. We know you’ll love it and come back for more, again and again.
Our recipes and our quality ingredients, hand-cut from solid pieces of beef, are never chopped or formed like other brands, making our products superior and one of a kind. That would make our products similar to this week’s Protein Packed Performer, Class of ’24, QB, Logan Lundy from Raceland, Kentucky’s Raceland-Worthington High School, wouldn’t it?
Talk about a stud dual-threat QB who had a superior year, especially for a sophomore, it is hard to imaging a ’24 player at that position doing any better. Logan Lundy is 6-3, weighs 200-pounds, and is put together more like a linebacker than a QB. We bet tackling this cat is anything but fun.
In ’21, as a sophomore, Lundy threw for 1,966-yards, on 126 for 209 passing (.60287081 completion percentage), with 23-TDs against 10-thrown INTs. Lundy gained 422-yards on the ground, in 95-carries, and contributed 10-more TDs carried personally across the goal line for his team.
Now QBs don’t get credited for TDs thrown. Those get credited to the WRs. Even without his aerials, Lundy still managed to be 4th on the team in offensive scoring with 60-points, an insanely prodigious effort for a QB.
The most important statistic is wins and losses. The Rams, always in the 1A title hunt, were 12-2 with its sophomore under center, losing to the 1A-Titleholder from a year ago in the Semis in Pikeville.
Lundy has visited Marshall’s “Thundering Herd” and also was invited and attended EKU’s “Junior Day.” That 3.8 GPA the young man is sporting will put him prominently on many a college football program’s dance card.

This is a top-flight performer in Kentucky’s ’24 graduating class. QB is a position of need in any program running any style of offense and getting one like Lundy who is just entering his Junior year and already well established is very hard to find when out combing for talent around the Bluegrass.
We believe it entirely appropriate to feature Lundy this week in this article. We also found his efforts deserving of nourishment.
Mingua Beef Jerky agreed this young man could use a bolt of protein. They volunteered to send him some straight away.
Join us next week as we honor another worthy player. Until then, pop some Mingua Beef Jerky in your mouth and savor the quality and flavor which sets it apart from all the competition. Remember, our product is superior and one of a kind; just like Raceland-Worthington High School’s Logan Lundy.
This is HB Lyon reporting for Kentucky Prep Gridiron reminding you that WE’RE JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!

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