Gray Schmittel, from North Oldham, taking versatility to the extreme @gray_schmittel, @NOHSFball, @BDRoberts20, @AlPopsFootball

Schmittel making one of his 87-grabs from '23

’25 WR/S/DB plays baseball (C/OF) and basketball (PG)

We are in the very final week leading up to Friday Night Lights. This Friday night, we kick it all over the commonwealth. It literally couldn’t get here any sooner. We have focused our analysis on players this offseason who demonstrated versatility. We may well have saved the best for last. Gray Schmittel, from North Oldham, plays wide receiver, safety, and DB in football; any of the three outfield positions in baseball; and point guard in basketball. That folks is the sine qua non of versatility.

HB Lyon, Scouting Director, KPGFootball

X-Account, Hudl Highlights

Goshen, KY: We have subscribers on this site always hounding us about a “hot tip.” It is why we are so diligent in hitting up our contacts to “know things” before anyone else.

These guys on us for tips may be gamblers. That is none of our business.

We’re in the business of “knowing and informing.” This is our obligation regardless of the reasons for which some people may choose to use the information we impart.

Here’s some knowledge for you: Gray Schmittel, from North Oldham High, can do anything well. If you’re going to play “Red Rover” in gym class, you might think of taking Schmittel with that first pick. That may be the single most accurate piece of reporting this magazine has ever proffered to the KY-football, literary world.

Gray is a three-sport athlete who can play any of the three outfield positions in baseball, is the point guard on the basketball team, and plays WR, S, and DB in football. You don’t get any more versatile than that.

Schmittel is a DAWG

Friday Night Fletch

That is called being an athlete. Schmittel is a DAWG. That is another name for “athlete” used in present-day, common vernacular.

Photo: Scott Utterback/
Courier Journal

Last season, Schmittel hauled in 87-passes for 916-yards and 11-TDs on offense. Schmittel earned first-team, all-district honors at season’s end.

Why wasn’t he on the KPGFootball, 840WHAS large school all-state football team you ask? The answer is simply, we missed.

We will endeavor to not miss on him a second time. We are grateful for another opportunity to rectify this mistake.

Schmittel is 5’11, 165-pounds. Schmittel is already offered by one of the more prestigious schools in NCAA, Div. 3, Depauw University. Don’t be surprised to see our homesteading Centre Colonels, as well as several other small-school, KY-types, try to get in the mix.

Why not? The kid is sporting a 3.75-GPA. We call that an “easy qualifier.”

Schmittel describes himself on social media outlets as “…[someone] who loves to compete and…extremely coachable.” In addition to what Schmittel adds to the roster at North Oldham, we hear he can also play QB, if needed.

We know this around our offices…Schmittel does compete, and so far he has proven quite formidable in anything he undertakes. Keep an eye-out on this guy as we go through the upcoming season. Now, there’s you a “hot tip.”

This is Friday Night Fletch, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!

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About Fletcher Long 1579 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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