Southpaw QB one of the better signal callers we have seen this entire year at his level
Whether you think the Tigers from Caldwell are down this year or not, talent coming through the pipeline like Daelyn Landers means they WILL be back and sooner rather than later.
Fletcher W. Long, KPGFootball Senior Scout
The final score was 38-36 in favor of the Hopkinsville Middle School Tigers. Yes Tristan Dillard had run all over the Caldwell County Middle School and for several touchdowns.
We were there to see the matchup between Dillard and Caldwell’s splendid, southpaw QB, 27s Daelyn Landers. Neither player left anything in reserve. Both were splendid and well worth the trip.

We walked out onto the field at the end of the game. Daelyn Landers was crying his eyes out. His team had finished on the short side of the final margin.
I introduced myself to him, told him I was with KPGFootball, and asked him why in the world he was crying.
We lost!
Daelyn Landers when asked about why he was crying
“We lost(!)” was his perfunctory response.
“Certainly not because of you,” came tripping out of my mouth, both effortlessly and without much reflection.
We loved what we saw from this QB. Did you hear me Ricco Hughes (Director of Kentucky Future Stars Football)? You have got to get some contact info on this kid and get him to a Future Stars’ tryout!
We don’t have any official measurements on Landers but would put him in the 5’8,” 130-pound range. He is put together like he has spent some time in the weight room but we doubt that; he is just kind of physically gifted. When he does begin a strengthening regimen, look out!
Landers threw the football with a deft touch and accuracy. He also had the arm strength to get some mustard on that hot dog when required.
Landers is very mobile and keeps his eyes downfield when scrambling to either side. When he rolls weak side, he squares his shoulders and attacks the line of scrimmage as he identifies downfield targets and delivers a strike. When he rolls to his dominant hand he does likewise.
Landers is a threat with his feet and is both fast for his physical stage of development and elusive with an ability to either gain first downs rushing or to avoid pressure and buy time to deliver down the field to all levels. Landers has a quick release and a high release point.
Landers is “spinning it.” Not too many young signal callers at his stage of development can say that.
Alright, who has been working with this kid?
Watching him play, KPGFootball wondered almost aloud

Honestly, the question we had to wonder was “Alright, who has been working with this kid?” Landers was extremely poised and had a very polished skill set especially for a MS signal caller. He looked to us like he was both good and athletic enough to challenge for PT at the HS-level, right now, if KHSAA rules permitted.
This kid is a budding star. If he continues to work at his craft and improve along the same arch he has established to date, we are going to just be starting the ink-spill on this prospect which he will, undoubtedly, command throughout his upcoming prep career.
We know the high school Tigers are struggling to find the way this year. They have yet to win a game and, with the district in which the Tigers regularly compete, wins both tonight and in upcoming Friday nights won’t be easy.
The Tigers have a tough Union County team tonight. Games down the road with Ballard Memorial and Fort Campbell appear to us to be the best chances for some ’22 success.
That doesn’t mean the traditionally tough Caldwell program will be down very long. Having young talent like Landers on hand, in the MS pipeline, bodes well for the future high school program’s prospects.
Daelyn Landers is the type young QB around whom a coach can build a successful and championship-caliber team. Remember from where you heard this first.
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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