Dual threat So. QB gets better as he matures…scary proposition for opponents
If it seems like we are circling back around to this particular prospect, it may be because we just featured him not even a month ago (October 4, 2022). Well, if this guy would quit setting all-time passing marks at one of Kentucky’s most successful 5A high schools, we might could direct our focus elsewhere. When you read what he did just last Friday night, you tell us how we were supposed to just ignore it.
Fletcher W. Long, KPGFootball Senior Scout
We are cognizant of the fact we get accused of having favorites. We get accused of covering some kids to death.
We look for great players and we feature phenomenal performance. Sometimes that phenomenal performance gets turned in by the same kid in multiple weeks.
Take Andrew Nason, for instance. A month ago tomorrow, we wrote this article about Andrew Nason.
The article identified him as an early “Mr. Football Candidate” for the ’25 class. At the time, he had his 5A Woodford County High ranked toward the top of the AP poll, standing at 6-0, and he personally was completing close to 60% of his passing attempts, had thrown for over 600-yards, had a 9:1 TD to INT ratio, was the ball club’s second leading rusher, and was tied for the team lead in rushing TD’s.
We get accused of covering some kids to death.
HB Lyon, KPGFootball’s Senior Sports Writer
Here we are, not even a month later, featuring him once more. Well he must have done something extra superlative for this quick of a return. His parents own no interest in our magazine.
Well, Nason, last Friday night (albeit in a losing cause) tied the program record for passing yards and efficiency. Nason was 20 for 21, for 416-yards passing, with 4-TD’s thrown to a single pick.
How about that for a night?

On the year, Nason has now thrown for 1,260-yards and 16-TD’s against 4-thrown interceptions. He has rushed the ball from scrimmage 63-times for 701-yards rushing and 9-rushing TD’s. Nason is third on the team in scoring and gets credit for none of the 16 thrown TD’s.
Nason,… tied the program record for passing yards and efficiency.
HB Lyon
On the eve of the playoffs we find ourselves in an unenviable position. We either have to stop covering the Nason kid so much or we should contemplate changing the name of this publication to Nason Prep Gridiron. Of course, it would help us a little if he would quit turning in weekly Herculean performances.
We’re only human, after all…
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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