Trey Sedgwick puts in the extra work on weekends and off days to remain ahead of his competitors. He is an excellent route runner and very explosive with the football in his hands. Sedgwick was the Future Stars’ MVP in ’21, what else can be said about any middle school star?
Tyrone Gregory, KPGFootball Scout and Browning Springs Middle HFC
There is no better time than the present to anoint another Independence Bank Player of the Week. Independence Bank is proud to sponsor a weekly article highlighting players in the areas where Independence Bank flourishes who embody the same type of revolutionary service to their respective football teams which has made Independence Bank unique and special in the banking industry.

Independence Bank has a goal of achieving everyday excellence, and this week we are focusing on a player who enters his senior season among the very best pass-rushers in the entire 3A classification. Today we are featuring Trey Sedgwick, a ’26 WR/CB from Browning Springs Middle School who is about to enroll in his area high school of choice and embark on his own varsity journey.
Sedwick’s performance in ’21, his 8th-grade season, exceeded all reasonable expectations for his Bears from Browning Springs Middle. Sedgwick will be very likely to get PT even as a freshman this coming season regardless of where he ends up enrolling.
Sedgwick’s Browning Springs is located just down the road from two splendid Independence Bank branches. One of these branches is on 1776 N Main Street and the other on 629 E Center Street.
Get on by and visit one of these two fine branches today. Discover what makes Independence Bank’s people, products, and services revolutionary in the financial services industry.
Trey Sedgwick is someone about whom we have written quite a bit. This is especially true in light of the fact he has just finished his 8th-grade season.
Sedgwick is 5’6″ and weighs 135-pounds. This young man has announced his intentions to play for North-Hopkins. We know plenty of area high schools who would have preferred he make a different choice.
Some middle school players’ performance transcend their development. Many middle school “superstars” are featured in our publication and written about like they are entering the NFL draft. Some of these players deserve it and play commensurate with the notoriety. Others, well we may be blowing a bit of “puffery” your way.
This guy here is no-puff, all-performance. Sedgwick is largely considered, by pundits who would know, the best WR in the entire commonwealth of Kentucky among ’26s. Funny thing is, the characteristics which would support his being the best WR also underpin his being one of Kentucky’s top corners.
Sedgwick wants to win. Sedgwick expects to play, even as a 9th-grader embarking on a new level.
Sedgwick is fast, “twitchy,” explosive and, frankly, a dog. He will go get the football, plucking it from mid-air with the grace of a ballerina and the grip strength of a grown man.
Sedgwick has made all the rounds too. He has played in the Battle of the Regions, for the FBU “select” squad, and for the Kentucky Future Stars, the latter being the top-rung of talent in this particular publication’s opinion.
Congratulations to Trey Sedgwick, both for his Revolutionary Play in 2021 and that which is to come in 2022, all of which has earned him this week’s recognition from the fastest growing bank in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, our friends at Independence Bank.
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for Kentucky Prep Gridiron and reminding you that WE’RE JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!

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