’26 skill player has a wheel barrel full of talents ready for activation
RJ Blair was selected to the “Kentucky Future Star’s” team. That is the Kentucky football equivalent to the “Good Housekeeping Institute’s” determination you should have its “Seal of Approval” affixed to your helmet somewhere. RJ Blair didn’t get a ton of run this year, though he got some. Regardless, he is a player to watch going forward in the ’26 class. Trust us.
Fletcher Long, Chief of the Scouting Division, KPGFootball
There used to be something companies would highlight on its products in advertisements. It was called the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Actually, it was kind of a big deal.
The Seal of Approval meant the particular product you were buying had been evaluated by the Good Housekeeping Institute. According to that fine institution, it was a product proven to be something in which the consumer could place his/her trust.

We kind of have that for aspiring football players around the commonwealth. It is called Kentucky Future Stars.
If the Director of Kentucky Future Stars, Ricco Hughes, picks your son to represent Kentucky in the annual Kentucky/Tennessee Future Stars Classic, that is football’s equivalent to gaining the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for football talent. That means they have been tested and determined to be skilled football players. In that, you, as parents or fans of the game, may place your trust.
RJ Blair is a ’26 prospect who may fail to catch your eye initially. He’s 5’9,” weighs 150-pounds, plays WR/DB and we hear he place-kicks. Madison Southern played 11-games this year. Blair played in 10 of them though only a freshman, itself an achievement, standing alone a testament of sorts.
We will be the first to admit his statistics were rather nondescript. Blair caught a pass. Blair’s reception gained a single yard. Blair made a tackle.
That doesn’t sound all too terrific, but this was a freshman playing football on a roster which competes at Kentucky’s second highest classification. No one should be too surprised if he kills it his sophomore season.
Kentucky Future Stars and Ricco Hughes [are] football’s equivalent to gaining the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for football talent.
Fletcher Long
The sophomore year is the year college players insert themselves into the play rotation in high school. We believe Blair has significant growing to do, thickening to do, strengthening to do. Thereafter, he will impress upon high school football fans just how good he can be, he will be.
After all, we saw his potential in middle school. Ricco Hughes was sufficiently impressed to put him on his Kentucky Future Stars roster. That’s like having the Good Housekeeping Institute’s “Seal of Approval.”
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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