News and Notes from the Gridiron…

We are starting a new feature here on KPGFootball and that is a weekly variety of shorter stories in one combined article about high school football news from around the coverage area. These articles will feature snippets of information for the football enthusiasts which will be, without a doubt, of interest to the Kentucky high school football fanatics, such as we. So, without further adieu, here we go with the News and Notes from the Gridiron
Jack Randolph, Franklin-Simpson

The Louisville Cardinals have gained a commitment from an important target for its 2019 recruiting class in Franklin, Kentucky’s Jack Randolph. Randolph announced his commitment to Cardinal’s coach Bobby Petrino following a recent visit. What is interesting about the commitment is we have always maintained at KPGFootball to not get all caught up in rankings or All-Star team selections, even ours, as successful college coaches rely most heavily on their own evaluations. Randolph, a 2019 player, was Honorable Mention this past season on the Louisville Courier-Journal’s All-State team. Coming into this season, Randolph is rated, by 247Sports, at the bottom end of its Kentucky Top 15 for the rising seniors. So what the C-J is telling us is there were, at least, 10 offensive linemen, last season (All-State has a 1st and 2nd team), better than the 6-3, 285 pound lineman on F’S’s Class 4A Champion football team? Kentucky had 10 or more better linemen than the lineman who has committed to U of L’s legendary coach Bobby Petrino? I suppose 247Sports would have us believe there are 14 or more prospects in the 2019 class in Kentucky better than Randolph too?  Too all of that KPGFootball says horse-hockey! We would have said something else but we’re a family magazine.

Belfry had five players from off its preseason number one ranked team visit Louisville for its Spring game. Pictured to the left of this paragraph are All-Stater, Daniel Mounts, All-Stater, Grayson Cook, All-Stater, Ben Bentley, All-Stater Dagan Rash, and All-Stater, Ethan Wolford. We hear U of L was very impressed with the five mountain men and is watching the progress of the young prospects. We have just published a feature about Ethan Woolford who we maintain to be the best player in his year at his position. For easy access, the feature on Wolford may be linked here. Wolford will attend the National Undergraduate Combine All-American game this upcoming December.

Hopkinsville is in Spring practice and William Long has been moved to center. The Tigers’ off-season strength training appears to be going swimmingly.  We posted on Twitter, @KPGFootball a video of a board drill between two HHS players one of whom is All-Stater, William Long. Enjoy…William Long. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s why all the fuss and excitement.

Well, sports fans, that is about it as far as I presently know, so, for now, this is Fletcher Long with the News and Notes from the Gridiron reminding you on behalf of KPGFootball to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!

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About Fletcher Long 1598 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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