Michael “Mickey” Bailey, ’24 Madisonville North-Hopkins, has astonishing numbers where those numbers most count. @ArnettKohl @cheirs_destin @MNHHS_Football @minguabeefjerky @1776Bank @PrepSpin @kyhighs @KyHighFootball @HLPreps @MaxPreps

North-Hopkins's Mickey Bailey, 6'5," 305, 35 on the ACT

If you like legitimate frames, we have one for you here. Mickey Bailey is a legit 6’5.” He’s also a legit 305 pounds. We hear he grades out the very best Maroon lineman week after week. The ’24 prospect is entering a huge offseason where he could really show out and earn D-1 opportunities. Did we mention he’s only 16-years old?

HB Lyon, KPGFootball Scouting Division

We got a call from a Louisville partner who was amazed at some kid we had just featured. “How in the heck did you learn of this 8th-grade kid?”

We’ve cleaned up his question a tad. You probably can guess what he may have said in place of our “heck.”

The answer is easy. We have agents spanning the entire breadth of Kentucky an we regularly talk with these people (daily) noting all the big-time players at Kentucky’s various levels of play.

Basically, we’re everywhere. Just when you think we aren’t at your practice, we are; and we’re watching you!

This guy here was hard to miss. His formal “given name” is Michael but he goes by “Mickey.” I have a brother who goes by “Mickey” so you know I already like this guy.

Bailey is 6’5,” and weighs 305-pounds. Now, when we call him 6’5″ we aren’t kidding. He’s every bit that tall and every bit a 305-pounder.

Here’s the rub…he’s only 16-years old. Who knows where his frame finishes.

We hear from our Hopkins County sources Bailey plays LT and regularly grades out Madisonville North-Hopkins’ very best OL. We also hear he is a dominate force who plays through the whistle on every play.

Now this person who told me this is a trusted and long-standing agent of our magazine. He’s been around long enough to know Coach Long loves players who play through the whistle. It is why it appears at the end of every one of my articles. It is kind of my tagline.

Mickey has one number we have yet to discuss. This final number will do more than any measurement to insure Bailey enjoys future success, both on and off the field of play.

Bailey popped a 35 on his ACT. Thirty-six (36) is a perfect score.

Look for this prospect to play at the Ivy or “Near-Ivy” level collegiately. Framed out geniuses who “ace” standardized college entrance/admissions exams don’t grow on trees you know.

While he has the frame to play FBS football, it would seem a shame to waste that amount of brain-power on any school not renown for both its prestige in the academic, as well as athletic, landscape. That is our opinion anyway.

This is Fletcher Long, once again reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE! 

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About Fletcher Long 1657 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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