Kadence Price is the @minguabeefjerky Protein-packed Performer of the Week @All_American_Me @1776Bank @840WHAS @KyHighFootball

Makers of the world's finest all-beef jerky products. #Savortheflavor

’27 G, DT showed his stuff at the KY HS Powerlifting Championships…

We have been focusing this offseason on players with versatility. Today we bring you a two-way lineman who got a ton of play in ’23, though only a freshman, and who has demonstrated the frame, power, strength, and explosion to only get better as he matures.

HB Lyon, Scouting Director, KPGFootball

Kadence Price’s Hudl

Maroon Powerlifting Champions

Madisonville, KY: Migua Beef Jerky uses Enviro-Pac CHU-2000 equipment to cook its meat to USDA required levels for both moist or dry operation. Mingua Beef Jerky wants you to become one of its many satisfied customers by sampling its quality hand sliced, all natural beef jerky. We know you’ll love it and come back for more, again and again.     

Ronnie Mingua began experimenting with making beef jerky back in the 1990s. He shared his efforts with neighbors and friends, soon realizing he had come up with something different and superior to all other beef jerkies on the market. From these humble beginnings, Mingua Beef Jerky got its start.  

Today, the Mingua Beef Jerky Company still prides itself on using its old-fashioned, all-natural recipes which offer outstanding products to customers across the nation. The recipes are a family tradition, passed down from generation to generation.     

Our recipes and our quality ingredients, hand-cut from solid pieces of beef, are never chopped or formed like other brands, making our products superior and one of a kind. That would make our products similar to this week’s Protein-packed PerformerKadence Price, ’27 OG/DT from North-Hopkins High School in Madisonville, Kentucky. 

…[S]omething different and superior to all other beef jerkies…

KPGFootball on the quality of Mingua’s product

We have been focusing on versatility this offseason. Some of the kids we have featured star in multiple sports. Some of the kids we have featured star at multiple positions and in more than one phase of football.

No. 62, Kadence Price

We have a kid for you today who has played really well for his football team and has demonstrated this offseason why his continued development will pay dividends for the Maroons from Madisonville. Today we reward a young man who just finished runners-up in the Kentucky HS Powerlifting Championships though only a freshman.

Kadence had a big freshman year. First of all, his team finished 8-3 and had many of us wondering for much of the season just how “for real” these Maroons might prove themselves to be.

Price played in all 11-ball games. Price played at offensive guard along a front which cleared the way for two thousand-yard plus rushers and 46-rushing TDs. It isn’t as if the Maroons didn’t throw it either. The air-assault accumulated more than 2,000-yards passing and 19-passing TDs against only 7-thrown picks. Fairly efficient, if we do say so ourselves.

Price showed at the powerlifting championships that, perhaps, his defensive snaps should increase. Price tallied 475-pounds (bench and power clean) to finish just 25-pounds out of the championship.

Price showed at the powerlifting championships that, perhaps, his defensive snaps should increase

Friday Night Fletch

Price is 6’0,” and weighs 232-pounds. However, he has long appendages and a frame which doesn’t look even close to finished to us. Where he finishes anatomically will tell the tale concerning at what level he will play on Saturdays.

Now, Coach Price, Kadence’s father, played collegiately at WKU. He was a bit undersized for where he was utilized but he proved himself quite a player for that program and one the program still fondly remembers.

What will “little Price” do? Well, we are speculating but you are talking about a guy coming off a freshman year with near grown man strength now who found the field for an eight-win, 5A football program. We think this Price is just about Right!

Join us next week as we return to honor another weekly prize winner. Until then, pop some Mingua Beef Jerky in your mouth and savor the quality and flavor which sets it apart from the competition. Remember, our product is superior and one of a kind; just like Madisonville North Hopkins’, Kadence Price. 

This is Friday Night Fletch reporting for Kentucky Prep Gridiron and reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE. Don’t forget to SAVOR THE FLAVOR! 

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About Fletcher Long 1674 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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