Jackson Whitten from Bracken County emerging as a top target for many surrounding programs @Jackson Whitten2 @Nevels_Fitness @merz_max @minguabeefjerky @1776Bank @840WHAS

Don't see a ton of Polar Bears in KY

’26 DL/QB getting tons of looks and offers

Jackson Whitten is a 6’3,” 245-pounder who bench presses close to three-hundred, squats close to four-hundred, and power cleans a cool two plates (225-pounds). He has a 4.2 GPA and a registered 25 on his ACT. Bottom line; what’s not to like? This guy is getting courted plenty by “big-time” programs and has already netted some offers, in spite of his just now rising toward his junior year. Jackson Whitten is clearly among the top players from around the KHSAA’s Class of 2026.

HB Lyon, Scouting Diretor, KPGFootball
Bracken County went 6-5 in ’23

Hudl Highlights


We have been focusing on versatility this offseason. We have seen some absurd examples of it. We are seeing another absurd display in today’s feature.

Whitten at Ball State

Bracken County’s mascot is the “Polar Bears.” One doesn’t see many Polar Bears in Kentucky.

Do you know what else is uncommon in the Bluegrass? How about combination DL/QBs!

“But Fletcher, Jackson Whitten is not really a QB at 6’3,” 248-pounds is he?”

Well, Whitten led the team in passing yards (1,087). Whitten led the team in passing TDs (10). Whitten scored 3-TDs rushing around the goal line. Whitten was among the team leaders in points scored.

I would call that QB’ing. How about you?

Whitten made 48% of his tackles, in ’23, in the offensive backfield

KHSAA Statistical Website

As for DL, the data is even more suggestive. Whitten registered 46-total hits from his end slot. Whitten recorded 15-TFLs and seven (7)-QB sacks. Twenty-two (22) of his 46-stops were in the opponents’ offensive backfield. That is nearly 48% of his plays.

Whitten forced a pair of fumbles. Whitten recovered a pair of fumbles. That is a ton of production from a ’26 guy who hasn’t played a single snap of his junior year yet.

Bracken County is a team on the rise. Coach Steven Tarter’s Polar Bears were 6-5 in ’23 and look to improve on that worksheet. The Polar Bears were a one point loss to Carroll County and an 8-point loss to Owen County away from 8-3.

Whitten is a hot commodity on the recruiting trail among ’26 prospects. Whitten has D-1 offers already and has set up a busy camp schedule for this summer.

Whitten is set to camp with Louisville, EKU, Miami of Ohio, WKU, UK, Bowling Green and quite a few others. Whitten reports an offer from Louisville already and there are many, many others circling.

First, the ’26 kid with the sort of novel, two-way deployment has to brace to take his high school team on a deeper playoff run than in ’23. They will need all hands on deck for this trip; including the combo DL/QB.

This is Friday Night Fletch, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!

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About Fletcher Long 1675 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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