’25 RB coming into his own and right on time
Jeffrey Vazzana was one of the Centurions’ four horsemen of the apocalypse this past season. Hodge, Hodge, Vazzana, and Ruffin were the Stuhldreher, Miller, Crowley, and Layden of Louisville HS football last season. Vazzana and Connor Hodge will be left behind as Cole Hodge and Justin Ruffin have exhausted their HS eligibilities. What will Vazzana do for an encore to his splendid sophomore season? We believe he will be more dominant and the Centurions will be right back in title contention.
HB Lyon, Scouting Director, KPGFootball
There was once a sports writer completely without peer named Grantland Rice. Mr. Rice exclusively covered the great Bobby Jones, was from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and graduated from Vanderbilt University.

Rice annually published an All-American football team, three books of poetry, and coined the famous phrase that it was not important whether you “won or lost, but how you played the game.” He’s an all-timer.
Mr. Rice also coined “The Four Horsemen” in regards to a famous backfield which played for Knute Rockne at Notre Dame. Mr. Rice’s elegant prose forever memorialized those particular players.
“Outlined against a blue-gray October sky the Four Horsemen rode again. In dramatic lore they are known as famine, pestilence, destruction and death. These are only aliases. Their real names are: Stuhldreher, Miller, Crowley and Layden. They formed the crest of the South Bend cyclone before which another fighting Army team was swept over the precipice at the Polo Grounds this afternoon as 55,000 spectators peered down upon the bewildering panorama spread out upon the green plain below.”
— Grantland Rice, October 18, 1924
Stuhldreher, Miller, Crowley and Layden…formed the crest of the South Bend cyclone before which another fighting Army team was swept over the precipice…
Grantland Rice about Notre Dame’s famed four horsemen
We don’t have the words to fashion such prose. However, we can tell you Jeffrey Vazzana from Christian Academy-Louisville figures prominently in Coach Hunter Cantwell’s ’24 plans.

Vazzana was a steady, if not spectacular, performer in ’23. Vazzana carried the ball 95-times, for 613-yards, and 11-TDs. He averaged 6.45 yards per carry, caught 25-balls swinging out of the backfield for 284-yards and another six (6) scores.
Vazzana scored 104-points for the Centurions. That comes to 7.4 points per game.
Vazzana is a 5’10,” 180-pounder who sports a 3.6 GPA. He is a two-sport athlete timed at 4.5-seconds in the 40-yard dash.
Vazzana may not hearken comparisons to famine, pestilence, destruction and death; but he does hearken an opportunity to repeat as 3A Kentucky football champions this approaching Fall. That’s not too bad in its own right.
This is Friday Night Fletch, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!
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