The Knights should be alright as long as there are some Wasiks lingering @BradyWasik @WasikJackson @CentreFootball @LexCathFootball @minguabeefjerky @1776Bank @840WHAS @KyHighFootball @N_Baisch42

Brady Wasik, '26 MLB, Lexington Catholic

’26 MLB plays QB and TE and SS in baseball for the Knights

Wasik is a name Knights fans have come to expect to play football at an elite level. Older brother Jackson studded out for the Knights at QB throwing for 2,785-yards and 31-TDs against 3-picks in ’23 and leading the team to a semi-state berth against the eventual 3A champions, Christian Academy-Louisville. What will Brady do in ’24? If ’23 is any indication, we can hardly wait.

HB Lyon, Scouting Director, KPGFootball

Wasik’s Hudl

Wasik’s X-account

The theme this offseason has been “versatility.” This guy here will be no departure from that theme. Brady Wasik is one hell of a versatile football player who has skills which translate to sports other than football.

Wasik is 5’11,” and weighs 185-pounds. He played mostly linebacker for one of Kentucky’s more storied and successful programs in Lexington Catholic, who always proves to be a much tougher out than expected, regardless of the opponent’s enrollment.

Wasik lists QB and TE among his offensive positions. His being a QB is particularly useful information as his brother, Jackson, was one fine QB.

Last year, in leading his team to the 3A semi-state, Jackson Wasik completed 182 of his 282-passing attempts for 2,785-yards and 31-TD’s against only three (3) INTs. That is completing right at 65% of his passing attempts.

Little wonder Jackson Wasik is headed to Danville to QB the Centre Colonels in the future. When Brady lists QB among his positions, does that mean he plays it like a Wasik? Perhaps we shall see.

Wasik played linebacker up to the family standard. In ’23, the 5’11,” 185-pounder led the team (as a sophomore) with 88-tackles. Wasik registered nine (9) TFLs and a sack to go along with the nearly 90-stops.

Wasik led the defense with 88-stops in ’23

KHSAA Statistical Website

Wasik plays varsity baseball for Lexington Catholic in addition to football. Is he any good?

Wasik’s a shortstop. What does that tell you? They don’t put the scrubs at short, or they didn’t in my day anyway.

Catholic was 9-5 a year ago and played among the more challenging schedules in the commonwealth at any level. Their five (5) losses were to Highlands, Corbin, Lexington Christian Academy (LCA), Christian Academy-Louisville, and Boyle County. They beat Great Crossing, Lloyd Memorial, and “The Rock (Rockcastle County).”

The Rock was 11-2 in ’23, Great Crossing is 6A, and Lloyd Memorial was 10-2 while Highlands, LCA, and Corbin challenged for the championship at their respective classifications while CAL and Boyle won titles.

The Knights will need playmakers like the program deploys yearly to continue down the path toward success. Baisch’s boys play any and all comers and it takes talent to stem the tide of the ever marauding horde facing the Knights weekly.

Optimally, if you’re a Knights fan, there will always be a Wasik to whom to turn. At least, one hopes anyway.

This is Friday Night Fletch, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!

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About Fletcher Long 1674 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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