Senior year shaping up to be the year for Kolter Smith- @KolterSmithKY @RyanWrightRNG @QBHitList @MaleBulldogs @WeAreMaleHigh @minguabeefjerky @HopkinsCentral @evans02_mike @_CoachManning @1776Bank

QB Kolter Smith, Male High, Photo taken from prospect's Twitter account uncredited

’24 signal caller has the tools and will use senior year to launch his prospects

We have to agree with QBHitList here. Kolter is comfortable in the pocket and can drop back or roll out effectively. His footwork is solid, his arm is solid and his release point and arm positioning permits him to play slightly taller than his 6’0,” 194-pound frame would belie. Squares up nicely on roll outs, able to find and hit his target consistently.

HB Lyon, Scouting Division, KPGFootball

Kolter Smith may understand recruiting better than any prospect we have before covered. Smith published to his Twitter words to the effect that God often puts us where others don’t think we should go.

It kind of reminds me of the story of Jonah’s not wanting to travel to Nineveh. Jonah didn’t want to go, but God sent a large fish (or whale in some translations) to take him there anyway.

The moral of the story seems plain. We’re going where God wants, whether or not we want.

Now, Smith spent much of ’22 backing up Lucas Cobler. Cobler has run out of eligibility leaving Smith the reigns to the Male High offense, one which has generally hit on all cylinders under Head Coach Chris Wolfe.

Last year, the Bulldogs scored 403-points, rushed for close to 2,500-yards while throwing for just shy of 2,000. The team threw for 29-TD’s while rushing for 20 and won 10 games with a berth in the 6A title game. The ‘Dogs came up just short, losing to ’22 champion, Buillitt East, by a single point.

Focus on the little things! Execution is what it’s all about!

Kolter Smith, Twitter, May 9, 2023

Along the way, the team boasted wins over Trinity, Manual, and St. Xavier. Smith will have ample opportunity to shine in ’23 against the same type schedule. Smith plans to grasp the opportunity.

Smith has been credited with saying about recruiting, “Some schools will be interested, some will not. I am good with that! Don’t find yourself on the other sideline…”

We still believe Smith’s best football has yet to be played. QB Hit List agrees. “Kolter is very comfortable in the pocket, whether it’s as a pocket passer or rolling out on the run. He shows good positioning of the ball and solid footwork. Squares up nicely with his intended target.” That is high praise, in deed, from a nationally circulated publication specializing in the evaluating of QB’s.

Smith is 6’0,” and weighs close to 200-pounds. Smith is very intelligent, making the Academic All-American team and carrying a 4.0 GPA at one of Kentucky’s highest rated pubic schools.

Smith has already been offered by Mt. Saint Josephs and has been invited to camp all over the place, including several Division 1-stops the likes of Harvard, Georgetown University, and the University of Connecticut. We see this kid as an Ivy-League, Service Academy, or Near-Ivy signee before it is said and done.

Smith is academically elite. It would be folly not to profit from off your most dynamic characteristic. Smith is way too savvy and smart, about this process, not to take full advantage of ALL his numbers.

You know, there is a lot to learn from a guy like this. Just saying…

This is Fletcher W. Long, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!

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About Fletcher Long 1675 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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