KPGFootball, with the help of its readers, to sponsor mystery player on Team Kentucky…

@KPGFootball's mystery player

There is a young man on this year’s Team Kentucky Future Stars team that, owing to a family member’s mounting uncovered medical bills, was not going to be able to afford to play in this year’s Tennessee-Kentucky Future Stars’ Classic. Well, this young man is just too talented of a football player and way to fantastic of a kid (straight-A student) to miss out on the opportunity so Kentucky Prep Gridiron is sponsoring his playing in this year’s game. If you would like to contribute to this effort mail your check made payable to Kentucky Prep Gridiron; 1611 West 7th St.; Owensboro, Kentucky 42301. Put Mystery Player on the For line, so we will know what contributions are to be earmarked for this purpose.

Now the reason for the identity being shielded is this is a hard-working and proud family who wouldn’t want it generally known that they needed help affording this opportunity for their son. The kid, himself, probably doesn’t know that we will be underwriting his appearance on Team Kentucky. Any help you can find in your heart to send for him will be greatly appreciated. Pray on it and keep both his family and him in your prayers going forward too.


About Fletcher Long 1674 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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