Jacorian “TyTy” Meadows is the @minguabeefjerky ‘Protein-packed Performer’ of the Week. @Jmeadows52 @QuezUpNext @GuyBlythe1 @HoptownHFC @Daisjaunm1 @HHS_Defense @CoachStout42 @JaronMills45 @MaxPreps @1776Bank @KyHighFootball @kyhighs @HLpreps @PrepSpin @BentzelChris

Makers of the World's finest beef jerky products

Hoptown’s TyTy is JyNormous and he is ready to make a JyGantic impact on this coming season!

This kid is listed 6’2,” 280-pounds and is put together and looks every bit like a prospect crushing three-bills. He is thick, has lines all through his physique, and is huge both from a far and standing up in his face. He’s also a wrecking ball and a “take” for college programs around Kentucky who are awakening to his JyNormous, potential.

Fletcher W. Long, Senior Scout, KPGFootball

Migua Beef Jerky uses Enviro-Pac CHU-2000 equipment to cook its meat to USDA required levels for both moist or dry operation. Mingua Beef Jerky wants you to become one of its many satisfied customers by sampling its quality hand sliced, all natural beef jerky. We know you’ll love it and come back for more, again and again.    

Ronnie Mingua began experimenting with making beef jerky back in the 1990s. He shared his efforts with neighbors and friends, soon realizing he had come up with something different and superior to all other beef jerkies on the market. From these humble beginnings, Mingua Beef Jerky got its start.            

Today, the Mingua Beef Jerky Company still prides itself on using its old-fashioned, all-natural recipes which offer outstanding products to customers across the nation. The recipes are a family tradition, passed down from generation to generation.    

Our recipes and our quality ingredients, hand-cut from solid pieces of beef, are never chopped or formed like other brands, making our products superior and one of a kind. That would make our products similar to this week’s Protein Packed Performer, Class of ’23, OL/DL, JyNormous Jacorian Meadows from Hopkinsville, Kentucky’s Hoptown High School, wouldn’t it?

They seem to love the nicknames in Kentucky High School football, especially at Hoptown, or so it seems. Par exemple, as the French would say, Jacorian Meadows is referenced as “TyTy.” His little brother, Jyrian Meadows, is called “Chilly.” No one is little among the Meadows clan, or at least no Meadows we have ever met.

Chilly is a hulking NG (6’3,” 360) who is a ’24 kid framed out and built to drop an anchor in the A-gap and stay there. His “time to shine” is shortly upcoming, but today we are on big-brother, Jacorian.

Now we aren’t exactly sure you are aware of this but both Mingua Beef Jerky and Kentucky Prep Gridiron are right good at the marketing thing. We understand the importance of branding and how it can help distribute the word about your product (or player, as the case may be) throughout the commonwealth and further.

Kentucky Prep Gridiron is a digital publication mostly confined to Kentucky. Mingua Beef Jerky is sold throughout the world.

You like nicknames? So do we.


We would call Jacorian Meadows “JyNormous” instead of “TyTy.” Matter of fact, today, we are not just awarding him the world’s finest jerky products and a huge (better make it a 3X guys) T-shirt, we are also re-branding Meadows JyNormous Jacorian.

JyNormous is listed at 6’2″ and 280-pounds. We have stood face to face with the young man and the 6’2″ could be right, but so could 6’3.” As for the 280…well, we were assured of its accuracy by his head coach but he just seems bigger to us, us having met him face to face.

We aren’t calling the young man fat by any means. He’s not. He’s, well…JyNormous!

JyNormous looks like he might weigh 280 but JyNormous is thick all over and riddled with lines throughout his physique. JyNormous has been JyLifting quite a bit in the offseason and we believe his strength levels are JyGantic. See, we’re pretty darn good at this!

In any event, JyNormous Jacorian Meadows has been doing the Christian thing over the course of the Tiger’s first two scrimmages. He has been helping the meek inherit the earth, mouthfuls at a time.

TyTy (JyNormous Jacorian) is knocking down defenders like bowling pins.

Nate Stout, HHS OL Coach

We ran into an assistant coach at a convenient store around Hopkinsville. His name is Nate Stout and he coaches the OL at HHS. Stout told us, “TyTy (a.k.a. as of today, JyNormous Jacorian) is knocking down defenders like bowling pins.”

We were also able to reach head football coach Marc Clark. Clark told KPGFootball, “We are very excited about Jacorian TyTy (We’re letting this one go) Meadows. He has shown to be physical at the point of attack and plays with an edge.”

Meadows has a very high ceiling and we are excited about his development.

HFC Marc Adam Clark, Hopkinsville High

Clark went on to tell us, “Guy Blythe and TyTy (JyNormous Jacorian) have been our tone-setters along the offensive line. We feel that [Jynormous Jacorian] is only going to get better with reps. Meadows has a very high ceiling and we are excited about his development.”

Meadows is primarily an OL, though he plays some DL too. We like him next level as an interior OL where, from guard to guard, Jacorian can make a JyNormous impact on a college program’s ability to run the football and control game clock.

Hoptown kids in recruiting oftentimes come to the party late. However, they always seem to arrive. Better late than never as the saying goes.

Meadows is a college player at some level. He is a bright, intelligent, charismatic young man who is keeping all his college options open until he finds the right fit, or so he told one of our scouts at the scrimmage with Battle Ground Academy (Franklin, TN) the other night.

If you are a college recruiter looking for some road-grading talent inside, might we suggest you take JyNormous advantage of a JyGantic opportunity. Hurry up now! Jacorian Meadows won’t be available too much longer.

Mingua Beef Jerky and we decided this talented and accomplished ’23 football player, and rising senior, could use a bolt of protein, especially for where he is slotted to play. The company volunteered to send him some straight away. 

Join us next week as we honor another worthy player. Until then, pop some Mingua Beef Jerky in your mouth and savor the quality and flavor which sets it apart from all the competition. Remember, our product is superior and one of a kind; just like Hoptown’s JyNormous Jacorian Meadows

This is HB Lyon reporting for Kentucky Prep Gridiron reminding you that WE’RE JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT and don’t forget to SAVOR THE FLAVOR! 

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About Henry Lyon 1209 Articles
Have coached at the high school and middle school level. Have worked in athletic administration. Conceal my identity to enable my candor on articles published by this magazine. Only members of the editorial board are aware of my true identity.

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