Isiah Forrest…Look Who Decided to Come to the Party!

Isiah Forrest

What can one say about Isiah Forrest?  He hasn’t been out on the Combine Circuit and Kentucky Prep Gridiron doesn’t believe he has garnered any post-season distinction.  It is very plausible the Kentucky Future Stars Combine is his first foray into attempting to earn his way onto any State or National Team.  We will be the first to say it here…in case anybody should ever be confused about this principle…we, out on the All-Star circuit, don’t discover everyone who may be deserving.  There are always going to be stars overlooked and undiscovered.  The system just isn’t perfect.

Isiah Forrest, in the opinion of this writer, is an undiscovered, unknown, but definitely All-State worthy football player.  He weighs 150 pounds, is 5’8″ tall, and we hear he bench presses 165, squats 250, and cleans 185 pounds with a 34 inch vertical.  Isiah runs the forty slightly under 4.8 seconds and at the Louisville Combine exhibited shut-down coverage skills and a crippling jam at the line of scrimmage which keeps the receiver from getting out into the route.  Isiah looked fantastic in agilities, in coverage, running the forty and the pro shuttle, making drops into coverage; Hell, this kid looked good at the combine drinking water.  Isiah Forrest is just an athlete whose agility, grace, and explosion are so marked that it is unfathomable that he isn’t one Hell of a football player too…he just has to be.

Kentucky Prep Gridiron predicts Isiah Forrest made the Kentucky Future Stars team at the Louisville Combine.  He’s too strong, too explosive, too fast to not be in Clarksville, Tennessee in July.  Way to represent Hopkinsville, upholding Hopkinsville’s long-standing reputation of growing some of the most athletic and fast kids in the Western part of the Commonwealth.  Most importantly, welcome to the spot-light kid, something tells me it won’t be the last time you’ll be here.


About Fletcher Long 1675 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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