Well, here it is again, the first day of the week, and time to designate, this week’s, Independence Bank Player of the Week. We are proud, here at Kentucky Prep Gridiron, to bring you a weekly article funded by our friends at Independence Bank highlighting players in the areas where Independence Bank flourishes who embody the same type of Revolutionary Service to their respective football teams which has made Independence Bank unique and special in the banking industry. Independence Bank has a goal of achieving Everyday Excellence and this week we are focusing on a player whose performance exceeded both the Trojans’, and the Webster County community’s, expectations. We are focusing on a linebacker who seemed to both strive for and achieve excellence every single day he walked on either a practice or playing field. That player is Class of 2019, Middle Linebacker, Gabriel Salazar.
Today we go to Providence, Kentucky where, you guessed it, Independence Bank is busy providing its, one of a kind, revolutionary service to the citizens of Webster County. There isn’t a High School Football team in Providence as the young men who wish to play the great sport of football have to travel the 11 miles distance between Providence, Kentucky to nearby Dixon, where they will find Coach Zach Lagrange’s Class 2A, District 1, Trojans. I have heard an interesting story about from where Providence derived its name. It is rumored that, in 1820 or thereabouts, a man named Richard Savage came with his wife and elder sister from Virginia and opened a general store, around which a community grew. That community came to be called Savageville. Well, surely you can see the disadvantage of being known as Savageville in the early part of the nineteenth century. Wouldn’t seem an altogether attractive name for a community hoping settlers will choose the area in which to reside and rear families. When the post office opened in 1828, the community, wisely, elected to be re-christened Providence at the suggestion of a trader who had been helped on his travel through the area. The trader, who believed he had been greatly helped by some local farmers, also believed the assistance equated to the work of the hand of Divine Providence. The Divine got dropped and the name was shortened to Providence. The area has been known as Providence, Kentucky ever since and, today, it has an Independence Bank right there at 211 US Highway 41A. They also have a MLB in Webster County, playing for the Trojans, named Gabriel Salazar. Salazar is a 5’10,” 190 pound, heat seeking missile in constant search of opposing ball carriers to tackle. In what was a tough year for Coach Lagrange’s Trojans, as they were 1-10 on the year, managing only to best the Bulldogs from Fulton City on the season, 35-6, on September 8, 2017, Salazar’s play at MLB was as tough on the opponents as the season’s results were on the team. Salazar led the Trojan defense in total tackles, and solo tackles while still managing, on offense, to be the team’s 2nd leading rusher. If the Trojans can pull a few more Salazarian-type players from around Webster County, Kentucky, the prospects for the football team’s fortunes, going forward, will appear much brighter. Maybe the hand of Divine Providence can intercede one more time.
Congratulations to Gabriel Salazar for his Revolutionary Play which has earned him this week’s recognition from the fastest growing bank in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, your friends at Independence Bank. This is Fletcher Long reporting for Kentucky Prep Gridiron reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!
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