EJ Austin’s Funeral Arrangements

July 2, 2003-October 7, 2017

Players, coaches, and even football fans from all over the Commonwealth of Kentucky have expressed a wish to attend either the visitation or funeral for EJ Austin.  The arrangements for Elijah Scott Austin (EJ) are as follows:


Saturday, October 14, 2017 from 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. there will be a visitation for EJ at the Hopkinsville Middle School Gymnasium. Hopkinsville Middle School is located at 434 Koffman Dr, Hopkinsville, KY 42240.


Sunday, October 15, 2017 @ 2:00 p.m. there will be a funeral service for EJ at the Hopkinsville High School Gymnasium. The HHS Gymnasium is located on the campus of HHS at 430 Koffman Dr, Hopkinsville, KY 42240.

Those wishing to contribute to the family of EJ Austin in his memory are encouraged to click on the following link which was started and is being administered by the current President of the Student Council at HHS:



About Fletcher Long 1674 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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