As you are aware, we both have and continue to cover Clarksville, Tennessee talent, and talent from the Clarksville metropolitan area, as part of our coverage largely because we are principally based in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Hopkinsville and Clarksvillecomprise one metropolitan area in spite of one city being in Kentucky and the second laying just across the Tennessee state line. Well, we are proud to have partnered with the law firm of Meeks & Meeks, Attorneys to feature a weekly article promoting a Clarksville-Montgomery County area prep football player. Meeks & Meeks, Attorneys is a full service law firm covering all areas within the realm of general practice from domestic to criminal defense, contracts to malpractice, Will & Estates to civil and criminal matters in General Sessions. If you have a problem, they have a solution. If you feel like you’re drowning, they are the life raft. Call them at 931.645.3888 or just drop by 137 Franklin Street in Clarksville, Tennessee 37040.
There is a favorite saying of mine which the late Mark Twain used to attribute to former British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. That saying is the very famous, There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. We recite statistics a lot here at KPGFootball but no one knows better than we that statistics don’t always tell the tale, if you will. Brock Rowland just can’t be either fully encompassed nor appreciated, thus far, by what he either has or hasn’t contributed, in data, to the Rossview High School stat book. First, Rossview High School plays at the highest level of Tennessee competition, 6A, which is like playing against small colleges most often. Second, Brock is a QB/FS at this level and has had players in front of him whom were difficult to depose. However, all of that aside, just because he totaled 36 yards and a TD on 6 carries all of last year doesn’t define him. Neither is he defined by the 2 tackles he resisted in 3 defensive appearances.
Rowland is a very good athlete whom, in middle school, played for the Tennessee Future Stars, so he is someone capable of playing the game of football at a very high level. Brock is only 5-9 and weighs a slight 155 pounds, but, that aside, he still bench presses 215 pounds, squats 315 pounds, and power cleans, 215 pounds exhibiting upper level (for his size) strength, power, and explosion. While Brock can’t control his size, he is controlling the fact he works very hard, is an exceptional athlete, and one whom we believe will break out this season, as a junior, to help lead a Rossview team ravaged by both graduation and transfer. When Brock Rowland bursts onto the Clarksville football scene with a vengeance in 2018, I want all of y’all to remember who told you it would happen first!
We are very proud to award to Class of 2020, QB/FS, Brock Rowland, this week’s distinction as the Meeks & Meeks, Attorneys, Montgomery County Player of the Week. KPGFootball continues to look forward to our partnership with Meeks & Meeks, Attorneys as we both continue to publicize and promote all of the fine young football players in and around Clarksville, Tennessee.
Congratulations to Brock Rowland for being our Meeks & Meeks, Attorneys, Montgomery County Area Player of the Week!
This is Fletcher Long reporting for KPGFootball reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!
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