Coach Muncy at Martin County has an impressive looking front returning from off of last year’s 7-5 slate. Among the returning bigs is 6’4,” 270-pound Tate Crum. Crum is an offensive center who we would expect to move outside in college. This kid reminds us of Breathitt’s Jacob Parker. We like this prospect.
HB Lyon, Scouting Division, KPGFootball
There are people in the commonwealth of Kentucky who are prone to contend 2A football isn’t real football. That just isn’t true.
Kentucky High School football has never been hierarchal. There are 1A, 2A, and 3A teams who can play with anyone. We will give you an example.
Pikeville High can play with any team in Kentucky and they are 1A. If you have Mayfield (2A) or Beechwood (2A) on the schedule, you better strap it on, son! Same is true of Christian Academy-Louisville (3A) or Belfry (3A).
The best football isn’t always played at the higher levels. The best football players aren’t always found competing at the higher levels either.
Tate Crum is a 6’4,” 270-pound long, tall, and lengthy player who mans the middle for Martin County. The Cardinals, coached by Josh Muncy, can flat out get down hill on a defense and in a hurry.
Last year, the Cardinals rushed for 3,866-yards from scrimmage and scored 51-rushing TD’s. They finished 7-5 and were bumped out of the playoff on the Riverbank in Jackson, Kentucky (Breathitt County), another tough customer at that level of competition.
Crum is already being recruited by the Lindsey Wilsons, the University of Charlestons, the Bethels, the Hendrix Colleges and many other top-flight programs
@tatecrum50 on Twitter
How good was Crum last year? Well he was selected to his All-District team as an offensive lineman. The endorsement from those coaches is particularly meaningful because they are familiar with the players they are evaluating.
There is something else about this prospect one should know. He is carrying a 3.4 GPA which puts him in pretty tall cotton among area college football programs.
Now, Crum is already being doggedly pursued. Looking over his Twitter followers, we see the Lindsey Wilsons, the University of Charlestons, the Bethels, the Hendrix Colleges and many other top-flight programs.
Just looking at the programs following, there are some other in-KY guys who need to wake up an make some traveling plans. We hear Inez, Kentucky is mighty pleasant this time of year.
This is Fletcher W. Long, reporting for KPGFootball, reminding you to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!
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