There is something special about high school football in Kentucky. That’s why I have committed my time to cover its teams and outstanding players across the Commonwealth. I wonder how many of you have really experienced it? I am not taking about watching high school football in a metropolitan, cultural center where the game is having to compete with the opera’s opening of La bohème or The Magic Flute. I am talking about a high school game in a community where the businesses close early to get to the stadium. I am talking about a community which draws much of its communal pride from the team’s Friday night showing. The type of town which feels invested in both the team and its players. I am talking about the type of community where any stranger on the street can name the starting right tackle or left guard, much less the quarterback. I am talking about the kind of place where the wisdom of the strategy employed, Friday night, is the topic of conversations around the liar’s table in the local diner Saturday morning.
Teams across the Commonwealth are either in Spring practice or soon to begin. It is almost April and football season opens for most of Kentucky, August 18. It will be here before you know it. Don’t miss any of the action and the opportunity to have it thoroughly dissected right here on Kentucky Prep Gridiron. I really want to take this opportunity to ask each and every one of you, reading this, to hit the underlined link and subscribe, monthly, to Kentucky Prep Gridiron. We use the money from your subscription to carry the message to Colleges and Universities, both in and out of Kentucky, that the Commonwealth produces both incredible athletes and, even more importantly, FOOTBALL PLAYERS. This isn’t just a basketball state as is reputed. We know Kentucky boasts some of the best football players anywhere in the South. These kids, when given a chance, prove us right every time.
So help us help your son realize his dreams. Hit the above link and subscribe monthly to KPG and in helping your son get the publicity he deserves, you are also helping other deserving sons across Kentucky. Some of these boys may play in towns off the beaten path, but that doesn’t make these places any less stocked with football players and talent. Help us support kids from small towns where football is so important, and the players so good, that Universities from all over should be beating a path to them. We can make this dream come true for so many young athletes working together. I’ll keep writing about them, if you will subscribe and keep reading the articles. Together, we will spread this important message.
This is Fletcher Long thanking you for your support and reporting, faithfully, on behalf of Kentucky Prep Gridiron and reminding all high school players across the Commonwealth to PLAY THROUGH THE WHISTLE!
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