For What Should Parents Look in Picking a Football Camp?

June 9, 2017 at TSU's Indoor Practice Facility

At Kentucky Prep Gridiron we get inquiries regularly on exactly for what should a parent look in deciding whether he/she should take his/her child to a certain Football Camp.   There are lots of them out there for sure and providing your child an opportunity to take his game next level is an expensive and burdensome proposition.  You just can’t go to them all.

Here are a few suggestions we at KPG would like to make to our subscribers because, frankly, this is why you subscribe in the first place:

  1. Be careful of personal trainers and/or non-college sponsored camps.  That doesn’t mean avoid them all, however, as any camp or showcase/clinic put on by reputable entities the likes of National Football Playmakers Academy (NPA) or Division-1 (D-1), and there are others, are fantastic.  NPA has offseason drill work and position specific training which is the reason why so many of its members get offers and shine at Combines attended by colleges.  Good rule of thumb, if the camp/clinic is any good, rating services like 24-7, Scout, Rivals, and KPG will be there.  RC’s at Universities regularly use us as their eyes and ears for events NCAA regulations prevent their attending.  As for personal trainers, be very careful about them.   There are very good ones, but check them out before you spend your hard earned coinage.  Melvin Blakey and Monty Bross at B&B Precision Training in Louisville, Chris Vaughn at Aspirations Gym, Coach Darrel Keith, Coach Vince Jenkins, and Coach Marcus Gildersleeve (Gildersleeve, Jenkins and Keith are all faculty members for NPA and the V7 Elite Combine Series) are all very reputable and accomplished at developing the muscle groups necessary for strength, speed and explosion, which makes for better football players and imparting technique to players which make him stand out at combines and to coaches.
  2. Legitimate football camps will have college coaches on the teaching faculty.  Incidentally, if the camp is not legitimate it will not be promoted on KPG either.  We take our responsibility to our subscribers very seriously.  For instance, the camp at TSU (flyer attached to this article) will have 15-20 colleges represented from all levels of college football.  I also want to point out KPG doesn’t accept any payment, kick-back, or financial stipend from any camp for our endorsement.  Our opinion about a camp is legitimate and honest.  From time to time we will err, but it will be an honest error and not a situation where we were morally compromised into recommending a camp or services which we knew, ahead of time, were either inadequate or substandard.  We promise!

Guys, we know this landscape is daunting and frightening, particularly if you are attempting to travel the path alone.  Lucky for you, you aren’t alone.  At KPG, we are here every step of the way for you and are committed to providing you the information requisite to make informed and wise decisions.  We pledge our commitment, loyalty to our subscribers, and our industry to insure your son has every opportunity to reach his athletic goals.  All you have to do is read the articles and insure your son follows old Coach Long’s omnipresent directive…






About Fletcher Long 1657 Articles
Two-time winner of Kentucky Press Association awards for excellence in writing and reporting news stories while Managing Editor of the Jackson (KY) Times-Voice

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