’20 WR step away from the game and rediscovered his passion to play
We aren’t sure how many of you would describe yourselves as aficionados of Western-Kentucky, high school football but Blasin Moore was the Reece Jesse before Reece Jesse. Jesse (Hopkinsville then Louisville, then Murray State) and Moore, both physically and in on-field production, possessed similar skill sets. Moore was a member of the ’20 graduating class at Hopkins County Central and a player we covered extensively in the day. He was also a former 5-time player of the game award winner during his playing days. He is getting a second lease on a college football opportunity and Barbourville is where it will commence.
Fletcher W. Long, Chief of the Scouting Division, KPGFootball
We got a call not long ago from Coach Chris Manning. Manning is the head football coach at Hopkins County Central (Central) and they are “The Storm.”
He called and asked whether we could help circulate information to our college football sources about Blasin Moore, a kid who graduated form high school in 2020 and who last played for The Storm in 2019.
This was an unusual request. Why? Well, once a kid has exhausted his eligibility, how does it behoove the coach to help him now?
The fact some coaches (and even a majority) think this way is sad. Ask around, you will find it equally true.
This is why we appreciate the Future Stars Director, Ricco Hughes, who goes out of his way for his former Kentucky Future Stars. It is why we appreciate HCCHS’s head football coach, Chris Manning, because he does likewise.
You know, some of you parents reading this should take this into serious consideration. To what kind of a man are you handing over your son’s present and future?
Anyway, Coach Manning made a request of us and we circulated the information he provided. Both parties went about working on this matter from each of our respective ends.
Chris Manning, Head Football Coach, Hopkins County Central
A kid who has ever played for me is someone I will do anything to help…that is a life-long commitment
Now, to refresh your recollection, it is hard to even conceive how much better The Storm’s program is now than the program Manning inherited. Back in Moore’s days, over his senior year, the team went 0-10 and the leading rusher gained 154-yards on the season.

Translation…everyone in the ball park knew The Storm was going to throwing it. Everyone in the ball park knew it was being thrown to Moore.
They still couldn’t stop it.
Moore had 74-catches in ’19. Moore gained 1,115-yards receiving. Moore scored 9-TD’s receiving. Moore was the leading scorer on the season. Moore even picked off a pass from his FS slot.
How many 0-10 squads have thousand yard receivers, guys with 74-receptions, guys who score 9-receiving TD’s? Don’t you dare try to tell us this kid wasn’t a special talent.
Moore had 74-catches for 1,115-yards, scored 9-TD’s, was the leading scorer, and picked off a pass his senior year…
KHSAA statistical website
Now Moore stepped away from the game for a few years and did the “working-stiff schtick.” He learned an education was a very valuable commodity. He learned a college degree changes one’s career arc.

We are happy to report, thanks in large part to Chris Manning, Blasin Moore has accepted a scholarship to play college football for the Union Bulldogs. In Union, Moore is getting a head coach similar to the one at Central (Manning).
John Luttrell is tough, fair, and loves “his guys.” Luttrell will provide the same on and off-field guidance which Manning has been dolling out around Morton’s Gap these last several years.
In signing Moore, the Bulldogs get a consistent, explosive, and extremely fast vertical threat with the toughness to come across the middle and make plays. They get a kid with great hands and a long frame who can high point balls and use his length to work the middle of the field shielding defenders away from footballs.
Most importantly they are getting a man with a new lease on the game he loves. They are getting a man who won’t take this opportunity for granted. They are getting a man in whom folks back home believe, and one who will prove worth this brand spanking new opportunity.
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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