Rising 9th grade WR looking to plug-in early and often in ’23
Zach is a guy who made the KYMSFA All-Star game but is as good, or even better, than any kid playing on any offseason all-star game in Kentucky. He has plus size, plus length, and is a very good athlete which he has demonstrated while competing in various sports, including track. Not hard to forecast Crutcher playing early and often next season.
Fletcher W. Long, Chief of the Scouting Division, KPGFootball
Zach Crutcher is one of Kentucky’s very best at the WR position. Why not?
Crutcher has the build for it. He stands 5’10” tall and weighs in at 155-pounds.
Crutcher has the speed for it. He has doubled his football prowess with a stint on the track team running relays and sprints.
Crutcher has the brain for it. The kid is carrying a 3.81 GPA.
Crutcher dominated the games in which he played for the Madison Middle Panthers. Crutcher is a guy who we can see at WR or DB at the next level. We are never sure where that next level will be played until the prospects enroll. Prior to that, it is anyone’s guess.

Now, I am going to get on Crutcher just a little bit, but it is for his own good (and for the good of all of you reading this). When you go to Crutcher’s Twitter site, you find his name, his height, his weight, the fact he is a ’27 prospect, and his GPA.
His middle school isn’t listed. Where Crutcher intends to go to high school isn’t listed. His home town isn’t listed.
There were no speed numbers. There were no stats from the previous season. There wasn’t a link to his Hudl highlights.
There was no way for someone wanting to recruit Zach Crutcher to easily find Zach Crutcher. It is never wise to make someone wanting to provide you opportunity to have to work to find you.
The lesson here is this…if I am a college recruiter wanting to get in the Zach Crutcher game, Zach Crutcher has not made it easy for me to enlist. I am having to work too hard to find him.
I will just move on to the next guy. There are thousands of them.
There are going to be recruiters looking, across Kentucky, to get into the “Zach Crutcher” business. It is a lucrative and attractive field for people interested in the game of football and those who can really play it.
[I]f I am a college recruiter wanting to get in the Zach Crutcher game, Zach Crutcher has not made it easy for me to enlist
HB Lyon, KPGFootball‘s Senior Sports Writer
Now, Crutcher has gotten away with this today, because it was KPGFootball doing the looking, and we have been known to scour the commonwealth to find great players. The commonwealth has great players hidden virtually everywhere in a seemingly ever-increasing supply.
Next time it may not be we doing the searching. Next time it may be a frustrated coach leaving the scavenger hunt with a disposition bent toward saying or thinking, “Screw this…Next!”
Don’t find yourself seatless when the music stops because you played “Hide and Seek” with your vital information. That’s no fun and ends up netting you nothing.
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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