Bears 5-2, 6th highest RPI in Kentucky’s 2A classification
Brody Hunt is a fantastic RB, especially for a player rostered on a 2A football team regularly competing in the tough 2nd District with Todd County Central, McLean, Hancock, and Owensboro Catholic. We hear there are colleges looking at him for the defensive third level, in addition to what he brings to the table in the offensive backfield. Brody has his “Bears” in the [H]unt these days. With the playoffs looming, who knows how far these guys may go!
Fletcher W. Long, KPGFootball Senior Scout
We have no idea if anyone is paying any attention to this, but there is a real dilemma forming in the 2nd District of the 2A classification. District two is a five team district. One of the five won’t even make the KHSAA playoff’s first round.
…McLean (3rd), Owensboro Catholic (4th), Hancock (5th), Butler (6th), and Todd County Central (11th) are all ranked among the classification’s top 11 teams…
HB Lyon, KPGFootball Senior Sports Writer
What’s the problem you ask? Well, McLean (3rd), Owensboro Catholic (4th), Hancock (5th), Butler (6th), and Todd County Central (11th) are all ranked among the classification’s top 11 teams according to the KHSAA’s Ratings Percentage Index (RPI). We’re 8-games into the regular season.
How would you like to be Todd County Central (5-3), ranked 11th in the RPI, and not presently slotted to gain a playoff birth. What about Butler County (5-2, 6th)? What about McLean (7-1, 3rd) or Hancock County (6-2, 5th)?
Owensboro Catholic (5-3, 4th) appears in with regular season wins over Hancock, Todd, and Butler with only McLean still to play. Surely you see the dilemma.
Butler County has the best football team it has fielded in years.
HB Lyon
Butler County has the best football team it has fielded in years. Still, in spite of that, they may be home for the playoffs with a 7-3 regular season mark. Same could be true of either Todd, McLean, or Hancock. Any of the four could be sidelined, come playoff time, having performed very well during its regular season all because District 2 may be 2A’s top district in ’22.
Well, one can only control the controllable. That has to be what Coach Brandon Embry is telling his bears this close to offseason hibernation season.
Well, Butler County, who owns the only win over McLean so far this season, had a shot at Owensboro Catholic Thursday night and came up short in a score which wasn’t anywhere near as lopsided as it finally appeared.
The Bears can thank its enigmatic senior RB, Brody Hunt, for that. Hunt has been splendid though rendered somewhat “mysterious” owing to a lack of coverage regarding his on-field accomplishments.
District 2 may be 2A’s top district in ’22.
HB Lyon
Hunt, entering the game with O. Cath., had rushed for 632-yards, or a net 105.3 per game. Hunt has scored 7-rushing TD’s this season, second on the ball club to Colton Dunnells, ’23 FB/LB (9). Hunt is third on the team in receptions and second in scoring while being among the leaders in total tackles.
Hunt, a 5’11,” 170-pounder, is also a star on the basketball team. We can’t over stress the importance on being a versatile athlete when attempting to get “recruited” to play football collegiately. Morehead State is actively recruiting Hunt, and believe he can play corner for them should the RB thing not continue to be a thing.
We can’t over stress the importance on being a versatile athlete when attempting to get “recruited” to play football collegiately.
HB Lyon
For now, Brody Hunt is too busy tying up some loose ends, like getting the Bears into the postseason, to sweat where he might play in college. Butler County is 5-2 and has beaten McLean with Todd County Central still to come.
Butler is really good on defense, entering the Owensboro Catholic game having surrendered a mere 72-points all season before yielding 35 on Thursday night. Entering Thursday night’s game, the Bears hadn’t bested the Aces since a 21-20 upset over Catholic in 2004. Owensboro Catholic has won 17-straight since.
[A] win over the Rebels on October 14, in Elkton, Kentucky, is paramount to playoff inclusion…
HB Lyon
Losing the last two weeks to both Hancock and Owensboro Catholic, one would have to think a win over the Rebels on October 14, in Elkton, Kentucky, is paramount to playoff inclusion. As the records and ratings indexes belie, a 2nd-district victory is a difficult proposition regardless of whom you may find yourself playing.
Good thing the Bears have such a good Hunt[er], huh?
This is Coach HB Lyon, reporting for KPGFootball, and we’re JUST CALLING IT LIKE WE SEE IT!
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