William Long Weighs in on Top-30 List…

April 9, 2020 Henry Lyon 0

KPGFootball was contacted by one of Kentucky’s more decorated rising seniors, William Long, of Breathitt County High School. He said he wanted to go on the record about the Top-30 Preseason Offensive-Line selections. This article is what he had to say…HB.

KPGFootball’s Sophomore All-State Offense (Featured photo: James David Fugate, Jackson Times-Voice)-

January 21, 2020 Henry Lyon 0

In what has become a tradition at KPGFootball, we have been publishing our end of the year, MS, Freshman, and Sophomore All-State teams. They are the only teams of their like in Kentucky High School football history and we work tirelessly on them. We are coming to the end of this series. Today, we publish the sophomore offense. Keep checking the site for the defense, on which we are still working. If you have a player who you believe should be on here and he isn’t, odds-are he wasn’t nominated by one of our subscribers. Next time, you subscribe and you nominate the player and he will be considered. Otherwise, you have no one to blame but yourself buddy! HB.