@JaydenAWright (’24) from @duPontFootball is this week’s @minguabeefjerky Protein-packed Performer. @1776Bank @PrepSpin @MaxPreps @KyHighFootball #SavorTheFlavor

March 9, 2022 Henry Lyon 0

We enjoy highlighting future football stars at a time while they are still unknown. We don’t know that this guy would count as an unknown as the knowledgeable people in football circles all seem to know him but he is largely unknown to the casual fan, at least at present. That shouldn’t last very long, particularly after his winning this particular distinction. Enjoy this look at ’24’s top of the class along the OL. Join us next week and we will hit the “repeat” button. HB.

KPGFootball is proud to announce your Team Kentucky Future Stars!

May 5, 2019 Fletcher Long 0

It is the biggest honor which can be bestowed on a middle school football player. It is the best indicator of both future high school and college success on the football field anywhere in the commonwealth of Kentucky. Each year the books are opened and more names are inscribed into the most prestigious and unique brotherhood in Kentucky Football. Ladies and Gentlemen, all over the commonwealth of Kentucky, KPGFootball is proud to publish your 6th, 7th, & 8th grade Teams Kentucky Future Stars.