Tyler Kautzman, from Webster County High, is the @1776Bank Revolutionary Player of the Week @minguabeefjerky @WebCoFootball @Wchs_Athletic @840WHAS @KyHighFootball

May 3, 2024 Fletcher Long 0

This guys was third on the team in rushing yards, was among the leaders in scoring, and led the team in several important and critical defensive categories. In addition to all of that, he is a first-rate powerlifter and star on the varsity baseball team. This Tyler Kautzman-cat can flat play. Enjoy this feature and don’t forget to get by your local Independence Bank and discover why and how our people, financial products, and services have started a revolution in the Kentucky banking industry. Friday Night Fletch.

Webster County standout, Jarvis Starks Scott is the Revolutionary Player of the Week- @minguabeefjerky @1776Bank @HopkinsCentral @KyHighFootball @sfitz_840whas @evans02_mike @WebCoFootball

September 1, 2023 Fletcher Long 0

There are outstanding football players on virtually every roster across Kentucky. You just don’t always hear of the ones who happen to live in more rural, remote areas of the commonwealth. Independence Bank strives to bring your attention to outstanding players who contribute and toil in areas where they provide outstanding financial services. Enjoy this feature about a truly outstanding “Athlete” in our ’24 graduating class who is from Webster County and get by and visit your friends at Independence Bank. They have revolutionized the Kentucky financial services market. FL..