Luke Parker, a ’25 QB, showing there is much about which to look forward in the Caldwell County football program. @oliver_parker20 @minguabeefjerky @1776Bank @KyHighFootball @PrepSpin @MaxPreps @HLpreps @kyighs @RadioTrevorRicde

September 9, 2022 Henry Lyon 0

We search far and wide to bring you the players who have revolutionized the performance of the team in the communities we serve. We also enjoy recognizing superior branches in the Independence Bank family. This week we recognize a sophomore QB at Caldwelll County High School in Princeton, Kentucky and our famous branch located at 211 Alt US-41 in Providence, Kentucky just down the road from Caldwell County High’s campus. Get on by and discover why Independence Bank’s people, products, and services have started a revolution in the financial services market in the commonwealth of Kentucky. HB.